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Our cleaner product range naturally removes residues from surfaces that harbour viruses and pathogens. Containing no toxic substances, the Bio-Cleaner range is safe to use around children and pets. Apply according to directions for best results. Contact our expert team for any assistance, and click on the headings below for Product Guides and SDS. 

Fermented with Lime Oil and an extra boost of natural enzymes, Mikro® Clean Ultra is tailored for heavy duty cleaning of soiled surfaces including rangehoods, ovens, sinks, garbage bins and floors. Ideal for kitchens, restaurants, food processing facilities and fast food outlets. 



Fermented with Lemon Oil, Mikro® Clean acts to digest odour-causing substances instead of masking smells with fragrance. Best used in bathrooms, toilet areas and household floors. Also effective with smelly shoes!

Mikro® Clean Pet is the eco-friendly solution to cleaning up after your beloved pet. Combining citrus oils with the power of lactobacillus, this product works naturally and effectively to eliminate odours and clean urine, faeces and stains. 

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